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Contacts / Officers

(Click on name below to send email to the contact/officer)

State Chairperson – Carlene Griffith
Vice Chairperson – Pastor Glenda McCracken
– Sue Verhoven
Treasurer Fran Grittinger
Financial Secretary – James Kilpatrick
Spiritual Director – Pastor Glenda McCracken
Outreach & Volunteer – Vacant
Fund Raising – Vacant
Website Administrator – Patte Evans
International Representative – Vacant
Agape Coordinator –  Vacant
Music –  Christopher Neuendorf

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Upcoming Events

State Executive Committee Meeting

The next meeting will be in person at Barb William's home on June 1st at 3:30pm and via zoom.
Will send a Zoom invite upon request.

Please contact the state chair for the meeting invite if attending via Zoom.
All are welcome to attend.

Kairos Outside of Eastern Wisconsin
Advisory Council Meeting

Next meeting will be Tuesday, June 4th at at 4:30PM at St. Mark Lutheran Church in Neenah.
Contact the Chair for information.